Monday, December 22, 2008

Jack's Baptism

We recently celebrated with family Jack's Baptism on December 7th. Jack wore the gown I was baptized in as an infant. As you can imagine, seeing my son in the gown I wore brought tears to my eyes and will be a moment in time that will stay with me forever.

Brian and I hoped and prayed that Jack would not mind the water being poured on his head, but he did great! He loves bath time and we thought he would just think he is getting a bath and we are pretty sure he thought it was bath time. He didn't fuss at all and was so good.

Brian and I would like to thank our family again for attending and beging a part of a special time in Jack's life. We also look forward to Jack developing his own reasons on why he thinks Hopeful Lutheran is a great place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry we had to miss it but how awesome that he got to wear the same gown!!