Thursday, September 4, 2008

20 Things I Don't Understand (In No Particular Order)

1. The phrase, "I know (blank) like the back of my hand," when, do any of us really know anything about the back of either of our hands?

2. "For Sale" signs when "Buy Me" seems much more persuasive.

3. Disease.

4. Why so many people in my neighborhood spend such an inordinate amount of time sitting in their garages.

5. Speaking of neighbors, why my twenty-something neighbor drives a BMW when he needs four roommates to help pay his mortgage.

6. My purpose.

7. Why dogs are always hungry; particularly mine.

8. Despite all the crap humans are doing to the Earth, why our planet still looks immaculate from space.

9. Violence.

10. Why I never have enough time to get really good at any one particular thing.

11. Hate and intolerance.

12. Why, even though Jack is not here yet, I always feel like I did not get enough sleep.

13. Why the good die so young, or if not young, why they go even though it still seems like it's not their time.

14. Earthworms.

15. Ankle knobs.

16. Poverty.

17. Chemistry.

18. Why (as aptly pointed out in a South Park episode) many of our political choices are between a d-bag and a turd sandwich.

19. Why I'm so smart and good looking.

20. Vanity.


Anonymous said...

Brian these are questions which have existed since the beginning of time, if you find the answers you will be the first to do so! I think most of these answers exist merely in subject called life and the inhabitants thereof, more than likely we will never be privy to them.
Especially the ankle knob thing, if you find that answer out let me know, I have always wonderd also!And yes you are pretty good looking, but Tasha beats you!

Taco Salad said...

I agree; Tasha's got me by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a post!!

Anonymous said...

nice post.

poverty, sometimes choice, sometimes bad luck.

earth is pretty

dogs are hungry cause they can't eat whenver they want to.

ankle knobs, no clue

disease is caused by people hitting you in the back and being thrown in a pool by danny polgears

if you contribute to humanity, you will never get enough sleep. jack will see to that as well. although it will be the best sleepless night you can have.

the good die young because the aholes kill them.

violence=alcohol and drugs

chemistry, i don't know, i paid 20 bucks to have mark molley's notes from the previous semester.
